Exclusion of Liability
The contents of this website were compiled with high diligence. However, we cannot take on any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the information given.
According to the general laws, as a service providing company we are responsible for our own contents on this site. However, service providers are neither committed to control information from external sources nor do they have to search for circumstances, which allude to possible illegal activities.
Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain unaffected hereof. However, a liability referring to this is only possible from the time when a clear infringement is detected. If any infringements become known we will immediately remove the corresponding contents.
Liability for Links
Our website may contain links to external websites of a third party, whose contents we cannot influence. Therefore, we cannot take on any responsibility for these external contents. Responsible for the contents of the linked pages is only the respective supplier or operator of these pages. At the moment when the linking was done, the linked pages were examined regarding possible infringements. Illegal contents couldn’t be detected at the moment when the linking was done. However, a permanent control of the linked pages is not acceptable without any clear indication for an infringement. If any infringements become known we will immediately remove the corresponding links.
The operator of these pages always try to respect copyrights of other persons, or to use own or licence-free works. The contents and works on these pages which were provided by the operator of these pages are subject to the German copyright. Articles of third persons are marked accordingly. Copy, adaptation, circulation and any kind of utilisation outside the frontiers of the copyright need written confirmation of the respective author or writer. Downloads and copies of this page are only allowed for private – not commercial – use.